
We Bulk Billing under 16 years old over 65 years old, pension card holder and chronic disease care plan and mental health plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Recall and Reminder

We send our patients SMS messages about the following: Appointment reminders; Preventative health reminders; and Messages about test results and to follow up other important matters (also known as recalls). We also send emails to our patients to confirm appointment bookings.

Appointment Reminders

Our booking system is set up to automatically send you an SMS reminder the day before your appointment, unless you have opted out or do not have a mobile phone. We ask that you kindly confirm your appointment by replying “YES” to the SMS, or you cancel the appointment by replying “NO”. You can also click on the link in the message to confirm, cancel or change your appointment, or you can call us to do so. If you have given us your email address, our booking system will also email you an appointment confirmation upon you booking an appointment. You can use the links in the email to opt out of receiving these emails.

Preventative Health Reminders

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We send SMS messages to patients to follow up important matters, such as test results. If you have opted out of receiving these reminders or you do not have a mobile phone, we will contact you about recalls by other means, as we have a duty to follow up important matters. See our Test Results page for more details.

If You are not Receiving Recalls and Reminders but would like to

If you are not receiving SMS reminders and/or recalls from us but would like to, please let our receptionist know. We may need to update your phone number or change your communication preferences in our system.

After Hours and Emergency Care

Our clinic is dedicated to its patients. We offer care 7 days a week, and while we encourage everyone to book appointments, all care is given for those that may walk in. Please call 000 for emergencies or attend the closest hospital.

Home Visits

We do provide home visit in exceptional circumstances. If you require home visit please inform reception staff in advance and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Communication Policy

Communication PolicyOur Practice manages telephone calls. telephone messages and fax messages from patients. The practice has a policy in place to ensure that staff and patients are aware of the communications policy as well as the privacy laws and regulations around these. We endeavor to provide patients with timely advice about their clinical care via the telephone as a primary pint of contact. The urgency of a patient’s needs are determined promptly and handled appropriately. Email is not used as a method of communication between patient. Other forms of communication :Translator and interpreter service, such as AUSLAN and the National Relay service are also avaiable.

Hours of Practice

Please note: Consult times are subject to change. Appointment times for specialists vary – so please phone to make an appointment at.      08 9456 4444

Our Timings

Get InTouch

Our team will investigate your inquiry and respond to you within a few hours to discuss the services you suggested.

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