Our Policy

We Bulk Billing under 16 years old over 65 years old, pension card holder and chronic disease care plan and mental health plan


Consultation is by appointment. Urgent cases will be seen on the day of request and will always be given priority. Appointments can be made by telephoning the practice, booking online or by visiting the practice in person. *Please notify reception well in advance (minimum 1hr prior) if you are unable to attend an appointment. If more than one person from your family wishes to see the Doctor at the same time, please ensure a separate appointment is made for each family member.

Please phone the practice to book appointments or you can book online through Health Engine or our website


Phone: 08 9456 4444

Longer consultations are available: please advise the reception staff if you require extra time.

If you require an insurance medical, review of a complex health problem, counselling for emotional difficulties or a second opinion about someone else’s management, please book a longer appointment. This may involve a longer wait but your problem will get the attention it deserves. Please bring relevant letters and test results from other doctors. Walk-in appointments:

Walk-ins will be allocated the first available consultation and will generally be required to wait. If no appointments are available, a booking will be offered for another day.

TELEPHONING YOUR DOCTOR: Although most problems are best dealt with in consultation, a doctor will always be available during normal surgery hours for emergency advice. Our staff are experienced in helping you decide whether the matter requires an appointment, a return phone call from the practice, or urgent advice.

After Hours and emergency care

Our clinic is dedicated to its patients. We offer care 7 days a week, and while we encourage everyone to book appointments, all care is given for those that may walk in. If you are unable to attend you can book a telephone consult or home visit during opening hours. Please call 000 for emergencies or attend the closest hospital or call St John Urgent Care 6174 6000 Cockburn or Canning vale After Hours clinic on


Fees and mixed billing arrangements

Mixed Billing practice – We privately bill all consults and procedures. We bulk bill over 65 and under 16 year olds

If you have any difficulties regarding payment or consulting fees please speak to reception

TRANSFER OF MEDICAL RECORDS If you chose to move to a different medical Centre, the practice is more than happy to accommodate this. The request needs to be in writing and the practice may charge a fee to transfer the records.

Patient feedback

We recognize that patients have certain rights and we will endeavour to support these rights. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the services or if you feel your rights are not supported, we would appreciate your comments. Patients can fill the feedback forms at the reception or Practice Manager, administrative staff, or the receptionist on duty are available to discuss any problems you may have. Alternatively, you can contact the Health and disability services office at 469 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000.

COMMUNICATION POLICY Our practice manages telephone calls, telephone messages and fax messages from patients. The practice has a policy in place to ensure that staff and patients are aware of the communications policy as well as the privacy laws and regulations around these. We endeavour to provide patients with timely advice about their clinical care via the telephone as a primary point of contact. The urgency of a patient’s needs are determined promptly and handled appropriately. Email is not used as a method of communication between patients. Other forms of Communication: Translator and interpreter services, such as AUSLAN and the National and Relay Service are also available

Patients who require communication services

Patients who require communication assistance such as language interpretation (TIS NATIONAL or AUSLAN) are asked to let the reception staff know when making the appointment.

COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS: If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from this practice, we are keen to know about it. Feel free to talk to your doctor or receptionist about any problems you have. We believe that problems are best dealt with within the practice, but if still dissatisfied you may contact Health & Disability Services Complaints Office, Level 17 St Martin’s Tower, 44 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000. Phone: 9323 0600. FreeCall 1800 813 583.

Management of Personal Health Information
The practice has strict guidelines on confidentiality, patient consent, consent for a 3rd party to obtain information, transferring of health information and access and security of personal health information.

It adheres to the The National Privacy Principles Act and the Health Records and Information Act.


Hours of Practice

Please note: Consult times are subject to change. Appointment times for specialists vary – so please phone to make an appointment at    08 9456 4444

Our Timings

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